Engineered Pathways for Building and Process Modernization

At OCOsink, we understand that every business has unique financial and environmental objectives. Our comprehensive Energy Program Facilitation services explores all avenues for operational savings, whether you're looking to modernize HVAC systems, enhance indoor air quality, or optimize your process cooling plant. By aligning our engineering expertise with your specific goals, we deliver a customized and actionable program engineered to meet and exceed your business's objectives in a financially and environmentally sustainable manner.



Nonprofits can amplify their mission by reducing operational costs and improving indoor air quality.  OCOsink aims to lead your Energy Program to free up valuable resources that can be redirected towards your core objectives.

Senior and Assisted Living Facilities

Assisted Living

Create more value for your residents and in your portfolio by reducing operational expenditure. OCOsink can deliver a self-funding Energy Program that cost-effectively addresses stranded assets while managing indoor air quality and comfort. 



OCOsink's EPF services can deliver a large-scale energy efficiency and air quality management program within months, not years. Our Energy Program can lead to increased profit margins, improvements in production quality, sustainable manufacturing processes.

Heat Pumps

Fossil Fuel Central Plants

If your organization is still burning oil or propane for space heating and water heating, OCOsink can engineer and facilitate an HVAC modernization program. By eliminating carbon-based fuels in your building and installing heat pumps you eliminate local CO2 emissions and begin your pathway to Net Zero. Onsite renewable energy can significantly offset operational costs.