Energy Program Facilitation

Our Energy Program Facilitator (EPF) services are designed to guide stakeholders through every phase of your Energy Program, from concept and planning to implementation, commissioning, and closeout. Our EPF approach empowers Owners to maintain focus on day-to-day operations while OCOsink handles the complexities of your facility investment.

Abbreviate your Timeline to Net Zero

Our Energy Program Facilitator services are designed to expedite your journey towards substantial emission reductions and modernizing your building systems. We understand that some organizations may not have the technical experience or resources to plan and deliver comprehensive energy and sustainability project while maintaining their day-to-day operations. By leveraging our expertise and streamlined processes, the timeline to completion is abbreviated, enabling your organization to achieve your energy and sustainability goals more efficiently.


The shortest distance between two points is a straight line.

Schedule an introduction with us today to see how we can take years off your Energy Program timeline.